熊绑定: Lenoir-Rhyne Partners with Community Colleges to Expand Access, Lower 成本


Lenoir-Rhyne University and 14 local and regional community colleges signed agreements today to expand transfer student access and make a four-year degree more affordable. 叫《全球网赌十大网站》, the program builds on existing efforts to make Lenoir-Rhyne a viable option for community college students who transfer after completing their associate degree.

“This initiative came from our 2019 strategic plan and is another effort by LR to be responsive to the needs of the students and families in the region we serve. We are fortunate to have outstanding community colleges in our region and wanted to enhance pathways and remove the obstacles transfer students often face,弗雷德·惠特说, Ed.D.他是勒诺瓦-雷恩公司的总裁. “I am grateful for our partner community colleges and excited to position LR as the private university partner of choice for community college transfer students in North Carolina.”

Fred Whitt, LR总裁

作为这项努力的一部分, 劳氏已修订其行政架构, hired new personnel in key areas — including academic affairs and admissions — and 重置学费 to one of the lowest rates among private schools in North Carolina.

除了, LR will implement the following benefits for students at partner community colleges as of fall 2023:

  • Transparent and seamless transfer of credits for community college students in general education. LR will now accept general education core requirements completed at community colleges. This means students will not have to take additional general education courses to satisfy LR’s requirements.
  • 降低所有学生的学费. 劳氏将学费从4.3万美元降至3万美元,减少了1.3万美元.
  • Financial aid packaging that improves accessibility for community college graduates to attend LR. Community college transfer students are now eligible for the LR Promise, 符合条件的学生可以减免15美元的学费,在申请其他经济资助之前,须先申请5万英镑. 额外的资助可以进一步降低学费. 例如, a student from North Carolina who transfers to LR after receiving their associate degree from a partner community college and is eligible for the full Pell Grant award of $9,他们的学费将降至6美元,000. As a result, their four-year degree could cost as little as $12,000.
  • 社区大学生校园住房. LR now offers housing for students enrolled at local community colleges, hosting between 10 and 12 such students per semester over the previous two years.
  • 为专业课程的学生提供快速通道. LR is dedicated to working with each institution to develop a clear roadmap for students pursuing these programs. 例如, a high school student who completes an associate degree from a community college may apply for direct entry into LR professional programs, 比如护理, 初等或中等教育, 会计, 资讯科技及其他.
  • Seamless and cost-effective pathways for working community college nursing graduates. Any RN with an associate degree will be eligible to enroll in LR’s RN to BSN program. The program of eight courses (24 credits) can be completed in 12 months by enrolling in two courses each semester. A reduced, fixed tuition for the program will make this pathway more accessible for working adults.
  • 联合录取和联合咨询模式,加强全球网赌十大网站的途径. LR is working to implement co-admission agreements with community colleges and to explore joint advising opportunities.

惠特在2月11日的发布会上概述了这些细节. 22个在LR校区, noting the deeply rooted connection LR has with Hickory and the surrounding area. “在这个社区里,从来都不是‘我’的问题.这是关于“全球网赌十大网站”.当全球网赌十大网站一起工作时,全球网赌十大网站会变得更好.”


“Catawba Valley Community College and our community college partners are excited to be part of the 熊绑定 partnership,加勒特·欣肖说, Ph.D., CVCC总裁. “This is a game changer for our region, easing access to a four-year degree. We are all working to provide a strong workforce for North Carolina, 全球网赌十大网站通过卓越的学术成就来达到这个目标.”


除了卡托巴谷社区学院, the community colleges that have signed partnership agreements with Lenoir-Rhyne include:

  • 阿什维尔-邦库姆技术学院
  • 蓝岭社区学院
  • 考德威尔社区学院和技术学院
  • 克利夫兰社区学院
  • 加斯顿大学
  • 海伍德社区学院
  • 等温社区学院
  • 麦克道尔技术社区学院
  • 米切尔社区学院
  • 西南社区学院
  • 三县社区学院
  • 西皮埃蒙特社区学院
  • 威尔克斯社区学院
比尔·麦克布雷:联合国副主席.C. 社区学院委员会 

比尔McBrayer, vice chair of the North Carolina State Board of Community Colleges — himself an alumnus of both Lenoir-Rhyne and 等温社区学院 — underlined whom these agreements serve. “学生 want a transparent and seamless transfer experience because if they hit one roadblock, 他们可能会说‘算了吧.’ This partnership is a strong example for other colleges and universities to follow throughout the state.”


霍普·威廉姆斯博士.D., 北卡罗来纳独立学院和大学的校长, 以她对参加者的祝贺结束了活动. “The future is closely aligned with these partnerships and the work we do together,” she said. “The 熊绑定 initiative will provide community college students in the region a seamless and affordable pathway to a four-year degree from an outstanding private, non-profit university that has served this part of the state for more than 130 years.”


梅勒妮莫拉 '25 has been planning to study abroad in South Korea for more than a year. 现在是美国.S. Department of State is supporting her studies through the Benjamin A. 吉尔曼国际奖学金.


感谢校友们的支持, 家人和朋友, Lenoir-Rhyne University celebrated the end of another successful fiscal year on May 31, 2024.
